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Private ScholarshipsHere are the private scholarships that are available through the Byron High School Counseling Office. Applicants must be graduating in June 2022 unless noted. Scholarships are listed in order by the date that the scholarships are due or must be postmarked. The College Board Opportunity Scholarships...see due dates below Complete all 6 steps for the opportunity to win $40,000, however the completion of each step also gets you entered in to a scholarship drawing! This program is open to students regardless of their family income. At least half of all the scholarships (over $2 million) will be designated for students whose families earn less than $60,000 per year.
Guy Wilson Scholarship...received by January 3, 2022 Amount: 15 scholarships worth $500 each Criteria: Available to only Michigan residents who are high school seniors and are a son, daughter, grandchild or great-grandchild of a war-time veteran planning to or are attending any Michigan accredited college or university or trade school. Selection is based on a student’s G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher, financial need, parent’s or grandparent’s honorable active war-time military service, goals, and intentions. Scholarships are $500 and non-renewable. William D & Jewell Brewer Scholarship...received by January 3, 2022 Amount: 5 scholarships worth $500 each Criteria: Available to only Michigan residents who are high school seniors or college students – without a bachelor's degree, who are a son, daughter, grandchild or great-grandchild of a war-time veteran planning to or are attending any nationally accredited college or university or trade school. Selection is based on a student’s G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher, financial need, parent’s or grandparent’s honorable active war-time military service, goals, and intentions. Phi Delta Kappa Undergraduate Scholarships...received by January 29, 2022 Amount: Two scholarships worth $6000 each (one male and one female) Criteria: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in education at an accredited college or university. Completed applications must be returned to: Linda Burroughs, 1726 Laurel Oak Dr, Flint, MI 48507. Shiawassee Community Foundation Scholarships...received by January 31, 2022 Criteria: Make sure you have your TWO letters of recommendation in order to proceed. You will also need to request your transcript to be sent to them via NEED to give us a few days to do that. Don't wait until Jan 31 to make that request! If you are an early college/dual enrolled student, you don't need to request your college transcript--those grades show on our transcript as well. Now you're ready to work on your application at . Michigan Society of Professional Engineers Scholarships...due February 15, 2022 Criteria: Judging will be based on high school record (minimum 3.0 GPA), extracurricular activities, leadership, character and self-reliance. Applicants must be accepted in an engineeering degree program at a Michigan ABET-accredited college or university. Apply online at . Byron Masonic Scholarship...due noon February 25, 2022 Criteria: Applications will be judged on letters of recommendation, academic record, SAT scores, academics, extracurricular activities and finances. Byron PTA Scholarship...due to Ms. Smith no later than April 4, 2022 Amount: 2 scholarships of $250 each Criteria: Two $250 scholarships will be awarded to the Class of 2022. Completed applications are due to me no later than 2:30 pm on Monday, April 4. Turning them in BEFORE spring break would be even better! Shiawassee Area Writers Scholarships...due April 1, 2022 Amount: 2 scholarships of $250 each Criteria: Must be a 2022 graduating senior of a Shiawassee are school interested in a writing-related field of study. Michigan Retailers Association Scholarships...due April 1, 2022 Amount: 29 scholarships ranging from $1000 to $1500 Criteria: The awards are not based on financial need. To be eligible, the student or his/her parent must be employed at a business that is a member of MRA. The MRA does not publish their membership list. To find out if a particular business is a MRA member, students or parents should check with their employer or contact MRA's Rachel Schrauben at or 800-366-3699 ext 346. Apply online at